There is something about music that encapsulates and transmits who i am in a way that is only ever more deeply unfolding and astonishing me
That i feel I am just a new born student to
Learning to trust the guidance of
To honor the mercy the gift the unbelievably real love of
That feels like a miracle Like a surprise
And sometimes
Like the only thing that makes sense
And that i'm learning to remember is essential for my health for the actualization of my beingness as an expression of life.
Beneath my mind, and all the stories, and explaining of who I am and what this is lies a deeper experiential communion
a communication with all of life from all life for all life
through which i can feel my soul and it’s ineffable flow of endless colors channeling through all different cultures and languages of the world
beyond what our text books taught us about what this being human is
and the unity that can be experienced
as we are reminded of our shared part in this vibrational sea being waved by a reality that cannot be defined
as it seeks to express in a beauty that i cannot think of being felt received understood known
on a deeper level then what the mystery and magic of musical expression transmits.
life is singing flowing through us all
in a profound movement of endless energetic unfoldment into deeper new ways of being and feeling
that we can fear and cower from try to explain away and dominate or begin to accept as the most essential, primordial reminders of our place within this song circle of life
As I mentioned
I am still a student of what this is
But I am learning to trust in the senseless sensation of truth that moves through me
through music
reminding me of who I am as a channel for a light moving through all of creation
Through the fire Through this screen
Through my voice
And through you.
Next time, won't you sing with me?
